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McDonald MULTIflow – available now with immediate delivery

Save on market lead times of up to 5 weeks with the MULTIflow thermal store range The McDonald […]

Manufacturer Partners | 4 years, 5 months ago

Save on market lead times of up to 5 weeks with the MULTIflow thermal store range

The McDonald MULTIflow thermal store range is specifically designed to provide a high performance, mains pressure hot water solution. With the ability to place orders directly the stores are now available for immediate delivery.

Save with the TradeHelp Buying Group

TradeHelp Buying Group members can access discounts on the MULTIflow range (as well as the THERMflow ,  CUBEflow and the ELSOflow) when ordered directly from McDonald Water Storage.  Quote ‘TradeHelp’ at purchase to benefit from:

  • Special discount of 10% off the purchase price
  • Fast direct delivery
  • Direct contact with manufacturer to discuss unique requirements
  • Cashback of 2% of your purchased price is also available direct from TradeHelp by submitting a copy of your invoice to [email protected] or through the ‘Document Upload’ section in the TradeHelp app.

Not already a member of the free TradeHelp Buying Group?  Join today and start saving.

McDonald tell us more about the MULTIflow Thermal Store Range…

Our thermal store approach can suit multiple installation applications, including electric, boiler or central plant inputs to meet hot water demand. With our unique design and manufacturing solution, we can offer significant cost savings both during installation and ongoing running costs.

Manufactured from premium grade copper, our MULTIflow mains pressure hot water system delivers unrivalled performance thanks, in part, to copper’s superior thermal transfer properties.

The MULTIflow is a direct thermal store specifically designed for the contract market, but with the additional flexibility to incorporate a boiler to provide mains pressure hot water, with two model variants, MULTIflow OV and MULTIflow SB, ranging from 120 to 210 litres.

This multi-application thermal store range can be used with an open vented, sealed or central plant boiler and/or off-peak electricity to aggregate the supply to heat the store, and provide domestic hot water when it is required, keeping running costs for the householder down to a minimum.

Features and Benefits

  • Delivering mains pressure hot water with built in scald protection
  • Flexibility with models incorporating open vented, sealed or central plant boilers
  • Easy to install – does not require G3 certification
  • Requires no annual maintenance
  • No costly pumps or electronic controls required
  • All our thermal stores are manufactured from copper – kills 99% bacteria
  • No risk of legionella as hot water is instantaneously heated

For more information see the new McDonald website.

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